Bringhurst Woods Park

William "Sandy" Schenck's photomicrograph was chosen for "The Art in Science" exhibit at UD Harker Lab


The Art in Science exhibit will be held from April 4 to April 16 in the University of Delaware Harker Lab. With a two week display of art culminating in a symposium on the 16th, Art in Science is geared toward highlighting cutting edge research at UD across all disciplines in order to educate and engage the local community and to spark interest in STEM activities in underrepresented student populations.

RI59 Bedrock Geology of the Piedmont of Delaware and Adjacent Pennsylvania

This report accompanies a new map that revises the original bedrock geologic maps of the Delaware Piedmont compiled by Woodruff and Thompson and published by the Delaware Geological Survey (DGS) in 1972 and 1975. Combined detailed mapping, petrography, geochemistry, and U-Pb geochronology have allowed us to redefine two rock units and formally recognize eleven new units. A section of the Pennsylvania Piedmont is included on the new map to show the entire extent of the Mill Creek Nappe and the Arden Plutonic Supersuite.

The Bringhurst Gabbro: A GeoAdventure in the Delaware Piedmont

A field trip to Bringhurst Woods Park is appropriate for students in grades 5 and up (10 years and older), and provides an opportunity to observe intrusive plutonic igneous rocks that have intruded into country rock, which in this case is the blue rock or what geologists call the Brandywine Blue Gneiss. In addition, the minerals in the pluton are large, easily identified, and interesting. Mineral collecting is not allowed within the park, however permission may be obtained to collect along Shellpot Creek southeast of the park. Please do not use rock hammers on the rocks in the park.