Polluted water found statewide, Toxic plume lurks under Dover's historic Green

Scott Andres was quoted in the News Journal feature:

“This continues to happen, and it’s in areas where people have done business or have lived,” said Scott Andres, a scientist at the University of Delaware-based Delaware Geological Survey. “We’ll continue to find things. That’s kind of frightening to lots of people, because you don’t always know how serious it is.”

One University of Delaware study -- co-authored by Andres and released in 2008 with little public discussion -- found that 9 percent of more than 34,000 private domestic wells in Delaware are inside zones where pollutants could flow from known contamination sites. Most are at medium to high risk for eventual problems.


By JEFF MONTGOMERY • The News Journal • July 26, 2010

For questions and information, contact DGS at
delgeosurvey@udel.edu, 302-831-2833